Saturday, December 27, 2008

The risk of it is

We were brought up watching the ease of romance, everlasting love, and the existence of soul mates. A few of us may have had the fortunate opportunity to be taught that it is not easy to water and nurture something, let alone get it to start growing, when the time comes. No one certainly told me how complicated it all was, when people's histories and emotional states are involved to merge into one, even if everything else seems to fit.

Fittingness: How do we know when to stop, or move forward when it comes to matters of the heart? When do you decide how far you would risk the very thing you are trying to protect and give away at the same time?

Some of us take longer than others to mend a broken heart, and we use nearly every excuse to convince ourselves, more so than anyone else, that we are simply too busy for love, that other priorities come first at this point in our lives.

I have done exactly that.

But when I really looked deeply inside, I was, just like every other human being who has ever experienced great loves and lost, scared shitless. How can we trust someone new, let alone trust ourselves that this fragile, beating being is not going to take over our emotions and mind, lose our good judgement for what seemed like a fleeting moment of bliss?

In that moment of epiphany, not one that happens overnight, I know the risk of it is.

And the answer is Trust.

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