Saturday, September 6, 2008

I like it when

I like it when I can hear the rain fall against the roof,
on a quiet night under a warm blanket.

When things that don't make sense
solve themselves with time;
When I see people smile,
laughter overcomes fear, joy overshadows sadness.

I like it when my hand is held;
loosely touched in times of anxiety,
or for no reason at all.

When there is a challenge in thoughts,
opinions, and situations;
simple matters and difficult circumstances.

When someone or something makes me realise
that I might be wrong,
the world may not be fair,
and that perfection is of subjective relevance.

I like it when I fit perfectly in a warm curve,
an overwhelming contentment,
feeling his breath against my hair.

When I am surprised;
continually, unexpectedly so. A sweet surrender,
to giving in.

I like it when things are not always in order;
I fall asleep on the couch, being carried to bed, a glass of water is offered in case I am thirsty.

Things unsaid are resolved,
Things broken are fixed,
Things untouched are blessed.

I like it when
I remember that life is an overzealous adventure:
that one needs to continually seek lessons within it,
to change oneself because of it;

that love is to be sought after, and accepted graciously;
that it is not easily handed over, taken for granted;
that one can never know for certain what creates it, sustains it, or destroys it and when;
that the best thing one can do is to be patient and pass it on.