Friday, September 25, 2009

I believe

in being open-minded,
and seeing the glass as half-full;
life is too short to dwell on what could've been.

in giving, and
being kind to people - especially techsupport staff and servers -
you can tell a lot about someone by the way they treat the latter;
besides, let's face it, they could easily screw with our food.

in loving unconditionally the people who made you from scratch;
in surrounding yourself with those who inspire you,
and those who can bring you back down when your head gets too high.

that it is important to say nice things,
especially to strangers.
A compliment can make one's day, even if it's just about their hair.

in having a different opinion from another's,
yet still respecting theirs;
in not taking yourself too seriously.

that there is still good in a bad situation,
even if it doesn't show itself for a while.

that it is important to have your heart broken
once in your life; because
you may think life is over without them,
only to find yourself a better person.

in having an ever-evolving soul,
learning from old mistakes,
making new ones, and
continuing to improve who you are everyday.

in thinking that just when the caterpillar thought the world was over,
it became a butterfly.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I know now, that...

...the depth of friendship is not measured by the frequency you see or talk to each other;
what you know or know not about the other,
rather, what you can say whilst knowing
that they will still be yours

...good communication is not about what you say, but how you say it;
that it is not what and how much you know,
but how you teach others of your knowledge.

...the greatest gift life gives us,
is to learn from every misfortune, joyous moment, blessing, and curse;
Daily. isn't about how much you have in common with someone,
for you to be good together;
that it is about having the same values,
even though you may value different things;
yet that you both have to, however,
agree on that., love and loss,
are the only topics of conversation worth having,
in order for us to really live.

...just because you're never alone, it doesn't mean you can't be lonely; that
you are not really alone when you are surrounded by the things you love; isn't so much about staying still, or
moving forward at certain moments,
but knowing when the right time is to differentiate between the two;

because life is about continual searching,
for moments.