A little piece of tropical heaven.
I spent the past 2 weeks in Maui and Hawaii. It was Tyler and my first vacation together, at the end of which was probably either going to define further where we are to be with our relationship: Do not go beyond this point, or Love in all its serious glory.
We mixed both our interests in the planning: camping for the first week in Maui, private condo rental for the second in Hawaii (big island). I am not a big fan of roughing it, so to speak, however, can and have survived my annual girls camping trips in the past. I really liked this guy, and for the first time, really didn't mind the idea at all. I was more looking forward towards spending time together and getting to know each other even better. After all, we had only seen each other 4 other times prior to this, albeit the last time was for a whole week straight. Such is the routine of a long distance dating life.
What neither of us expected, however, is what happens when we are taken out of our preferences, and forced to adjust to a situation and having another person to spend it with.
When taken out of our daily routine, how well do we adjust to our own juxtaposed to another's?

We found out the hard way that having to find things to do from 8 in the morning until 10 at night every day for a week took too much toll out of both of us. The story goes like this: We got up, left the campsite, determined which area of the island we wanted to get breakfast, then visit and any activity we would want to do there. This sounded fine in theory, except when thrown into it, it was a bit of a nightmare. I love to spend my morning vacations and weekends by starting slow, even though I am a morning person and start my day early regardless where I am. I sit and read, and relax. Of course this would not be the case for a type of vacation where you would need to sightsee everyday, such as a European tour vacation where you are there only for a few days in each city. Tyler is a big hyperactive kid. He constantly needs things to do, and does not like to just sit on a beach for hours and read. Firstly, he is very careful about the sun, definitely the wiser of the both of us. Secondly, he gets bored and easily distracted. This did not make a good combination to start the vacation. Taken out of my element, I was not as attentive and aware of things as I normally would have been. I didn't pay attention as well, as I wasn't giving myself the attention I usually would give myself first. I was afraid if I didn't spend time to do things he enjoyed, he would be upset, yet I was also slowly becoming my stubborn-side, unhappy doing things that were not necessarily my choice.
Funny thing was, I didn't know whether I was being selfish, or too accommodating. When you have to start showing your true self, and not just do things you don't want to do for the sake of another's, there is a fine line where you actually want to try new things and confusing that want with the fear of losing someone's attention.
In the end of it all, our second week more than made up for the first. I got up early in the morning and let Ty sleep. I went for a run, a dip in the pool, then read on our patio overlooking the golf course before he got up to make us breakfast so that we could start our day of just sightseeing, swimming, relaxing, with no pressure, as we had a home to come home to at anytime of the day.